vision master怎么标定坐标 如何让个人陈述更出彩?

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vision master怎么标定坐标



Describing the Details of Your Experiences in a Personal Statement,这是在PS写作时需要时刻注意的要点。
Strictly speaking, an experience is an event that you participate in or share that changes you. It’s important to pay attention to the details here: an experience is
1) an event
2) participatory
3) leads to change
In short, the experience part of your personal statement should be a narrative that tells a compelling story. Here’s an example of how not to describe an experience:
‘In the first semester of my second year of college, I took an introductory course in Biology. The teacher, Professor Smith, was really great, and I decided to take more biology courses.’
An introductory course is, by definition, a course open to everyone. It’s going to be hard to tell something specific about yourself when the event (#1) is so general. Make sure that the event you are describing is interesting and unique. A better example would be: was there one particular session of the course where some question or issue was raised? Was there a time you spoke to the professor in office hours or in lab?
Second, there’s nothing participatory about this (#2). There is no involvement on your part: you’re just describing what happened to you instead of describing what you did. “I asked Professor Smith for more readings and he directed me to the book Advanced Biology by Carpenter, which I read with enthusiasm.” That’s what you did, not just what happened to you.
Finally, it’s important to explain how the experience shaped you (#4). What did you believe before that was changed? “I used to believe that Biology was only the study of microbes and organisms visible under a microscope, but Professor Smith’s seminar on zoology and the animal kingdom opened up a whole new part of the field to me”. That explains how the experience was important in shaping your interests.
One word of caution: an overly narrative personal statement isn’t entirely appropriate. I would suggest one, or perhaps two, experiences. The rest should be credentials and vision, which I’ll tackle next.
但是谨记一句话:叙述性过强的个人陈述反而不那么恰当。我建议最好只写一个经历,或最多两个。文章的其余部分则应描述你所做的“准备”和“未来规划” 。
The University of New South Wales
University of Sydney
University of Western Australia
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Duke University
University of Colorado at Boulder
Yale University
Yale University
Harvard University
Master of Landscape Architecture
Stanford University
Yale University

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