高中英语阅读理解技巧和方法 有些高中生能读懂英语阅读理解的文章却无法做对题,这是为什么?

1302 阅读




1. 首先你要确定你是否真懂了:(比如这段)Another lesson is that crises assume a life of their own. They are a great time to learn and a bad time to plan. It is when times are good and stable that you need to examine the things that are of the greatest risk to your organization in the long term. As a leader, you must be able to provide the energy and motivation among your employees to ask these difficult questions, because difficult times will come. (2014深圳一模)
2. 其次你能否懂得出题人的一些雕虫小技:(比如这段)Thinking about it now, I feel definitely that just as my father favored me for being lighter than the other children, my mother gave me more hell for the same reason. She was very light herself, but she favored the ones who were darker. Wilfred, I knew, was particularly her angel. I remember that she would tell me to get out of the house. Let the sun shine on you so you can get some color. She went out of her way never to let me have a sense of color-superiority.
? Why my mother told me to get out of the house is _____
A. to make me not so confident in being lighter
B. to be as dark as the angel Wilfred
C. that she wants me to be darker.
D. to help me look healthier
请问选项A与划线部分 (最后一句She went out of her way never to let me have a sense of color-superiority.) 是什么关系?它为什么不能是选项?这种做题小技巧,就是你与出题者斗法的工具。博士的文凭都会假,出题人都那么厉害?“我信你个鬼” 是吧,但你要懂的一些出题者的出题手腕。
3. 做阅读要点知识面,但如果你去读 世界博览,那又扯了。平时多读些模拟卷里的文字就行了。然后跟我这样记单词:
below the media radar
received her bachelor’s degree
food items are packaged
This is especially true of food
is scheduled to appear in May
not necessarily
to straighten chairs
be going under financially
people easily fall victim to elephants attacks
a truck arrived to collect the catch
well be sharing the cheque evenly
walked aimlessly like a zombie
a student orientation
without any marketing
has substantially entered its initial stage
is new to the school
最后一个简单问题,你确定is new to the school这个片语里,school一定是学校么?


2. 引导学生面对实际问题,通过阅读,探索问题解决的办法。
3. 引导学生自主地经历、体验阅读理解的全过程。
4. 培养学生有步骤地掌握自主阅读的具体技能。
5. 培养学生经历理解语篇信息的思维过程,并学会思维技能。
6. 培养学生独立运用各种阅读策略进行阅读。
7. 培养学生小组合作意识,逐步形成共同思考、共同讨论、共同解决问题的能力。
8. 培养学生在阅读中有选择地获取语言知识。
9. 培养学生读写结合,以阅读促进写作水平的提升。
1. 确认语篇的题材和体裁,并以此指导自己的阅读。
2. 把握语篇主体、主旨,并在此基础上理解主要意思。
3. 根据语体、语境(及上下文)、构词法猜测陌生语词的词义。
4. 了解语篇的基本结构,并确认信息的基本层次。
5. 理解语篇的主要信息点
1. 提供足量和多文体的阅读材料。
2. 创设积极的阅读动机和环境,提供愉悦的阅读体验。
3. 力求课内与课外相结合,培养学生主动阅读的习惯。
4. 为理解而运用阅读策略,培养具有熟练技巧的读者。
5. 引导学生文本意义、作者态度、语篇结构、语言特点与修辞进
6. 指导学生学会提问、概括、推断、鉴赏、分析、总结、讨论、
7. 铺垫语言知识、促进新知识增长,优化认知结构。
8. 围绕阅读语篇设计看、读、听、说、写相结合的学习活动。
9. 持续观察和反馈学生的阅读行为,重视其努力程度。
10. 实践个体差异的阅读教学方式。
教学目标:激发学习兴趣,激活背景知识, 激活阅读欲望。
1. 选用与阅读材料有关的歌曲、游戏等活动激活学生已有的背景知识;
2. 通过提问激活学生思考,以大脑风暴的形式再现已有知识
3. 介绍相关的背景知识,