cell投稿教程 SCI的摘要部分应该怎样写?

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1. 背景信息
2. 主要研究活动或者研究目的
3. 研究方法,这个不需要详细信息
4. 主要研究发现
5 对于结论或者进一步研究建议的简洁陈述
1. 主要研究活动/目的和研究方法
2. 最主要的研究结果
3. 最主要的结论或者下一步建议
我们具体分析一篇“摘要”来看看这些信息元素是怎样有机的组合在一起的。这篇“摘要”来自于Britton-Simmons and Abbott (2008),为了便于分析和阅读,我们一句一句来分析“摘要”里面的信息。
Invading species typically need to overcome multiple limiting factors simultaneously in order to become established, and understanding how such factors interact to regulate the invasion process remains a major challenge in ecology. 首句介绍了研究背景。
We used the invasion of marine algal communities by the seaweed Sargassum muticum as a study system to experimentally investigate the independent and interactive effects of disturbance and propagule pressure in the short term. 第二句既包含了主要研究活动,也说明了研究方法。
Based on our experimental results, we parameterized an intergrodifference equation model, which we used to examine how disturbances created by different benthic herbivores influence the longer term invasion success of S. muticum. 第三句陈述了进一步的研究活动以及研究方法。
Our experimental results demonstrate that in this system neither disturbance nor propagule input along was sufficient to maximize invasion success. Rather, the interaction between these processes was critical for understanding how the S. muticum invasion is regulated in the short term. 这两句高度总结了研究结果,这些结果与第二句的研究活动(实验研究)紧紧相应。
The model showed that both the size and spatial arrangement of berbivore disturbances had a major impact on how disturbance facilitated the invasion, by jointly determining how much space limitation was alleviated and how readily disturbed areas could be reached by dispersing progagules. 这一句是对第三句所说的模型研究结果的高度总结。
Our results underscore the importance of considering interactive effects when making predictions about invasion success. 最后一句是最主要的研究结论,这个结论也对将来的相关研究有所建议。

