blind啥意思中文 blind是什么意思中文?

2347 阅读






1、vy = very.中文意思是:非常、很
2、Vy copper core pvc insulated and sheathed power cable Vy :铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘聚乙烯护套电力电缆。
3、Asymptotic error of hilbert - valued l vy processes.过程的渐近误差。
4、Any government that amp nb sp is blind to this point will pay a hea vy price.任何政府忽视这一点都将付出巨大的代价。
5、By sister initiate duong vy , hammond , indiana , usa originally in aulacese.美国印地安纳州汉蒙市唐薇师姊原文为悠乐文。

Risking it all in a glance的中文意思是什么?

risking it all in a glance毫不犹豫地赌上了所有感情来历:As Long As You Love Me 只要你爱我Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine 虽然孤独感在我心头挥之不去,Im leaving my life in your hands 我还是愿意相信你.People say Im crazy and that I am blind 人们笑我痴狂,Risking it all in a glance 毫不犹豫地赌上了所有感情.How you got me blind is still a mystery 不知道为什么我竟会对你如此痴迷,I cant get you out of my head 无时无刻不在想你.Dont care what is written in you history 不在乎你的过去,As long as youre here with me 只要你还跟我在一起.I dont care who you are 不在乎你是谁,